To upgrade from 1.17, or newer, extract these files over your original module. Go to admin/modules and run the update.php script. Done! ----- To upgrade older versions ONLY If you used an early version of this module (1.5 or below) then you will need to: 1. cancel any existing subscriptions on paypal/sandbox 2. remove any locally writen inline php generating subscriptions/donations 3. Disable the lm_paypal* modules in admin/modules 4. Drop the lm_paypal* tables from your database and delete the entry for these module from the system table: mysql -u user -p pass mydrupaldatabase < drop_test.sql Then follow the standard instructions in INSTALL.txt -- If you used a previous version of this module (1.6 or above) then after installing this version (see INSTALL.txt) you will need to upgrade the modules. Follow the link to update.php at the top of administer/modules. You will also have to reset your access permissions in administer/access control as some of the permission names have changed. -- If you used 1.17 or below after upgrading please disable all the lm_paypal modules and then re-enable them. This is to avoid the hook_init() problem reported by one user.